About us

Hi, I thought id introduce myself. My name is Sophie and I've been into thrifting and op-shopping for as long as I can remember. the idea for starting Previously Played With begun in August of 2021, we were stuck in lockdown once again and my husband and I found ourselves watching YouTube videos of American thrifers/ resellers. we are both avid collectors ourselves and saw this as an opportunity to grow a business doing what we loved. over the 2021-2022 xmas period we stopped selling for a short time due to how busy the holidays were and once February rolled around we were back on the bandwagon!

In July of 2022 I finally got my A into G and begun taking better images of our stock, had a proper logo created, (by my wonderfully talented niece)  and started up an Instagram. With these changes I saw sales increase and became apart of an awesome little community of resellers on Instagram. Up until mid August of 2022 we took the leap and launched our very first website and discontinued selling on the New Zealand selling platform Trademe.

My husband and I have been married 5 years in November and together 11 years in December, we have a 4 year old daughter and a baby boy due in November. We have many pets 3 cats and lots of Tropical fish, and I keep way too many indoor plants. As another side hobby/ business I breed Plakat Bettas or more commonly known as Siamese fighting fish, on top of that in the warmer months of the year i also propagate my plants and sell cuttings from them so as you can see I am quite the busy bee for a stay at home mum.

Most of the time I am usually always available to answer questions or just for a quick chat, so please don't be afraid to contact me, and if I am a little slow at responding I am probably doing something quite important. to those that made it all the way to the end of this essay thankyou so much for taking the time to get to know me.